They scream for a minute before this happens.
Chaingunner: Tearing them in half, or throwing them to the ground and ripping their arms off before leaving them to bleed out. The latter will have them screaming and desperately trying to crawl away despite clearly bleeding out, and will either die on their own or can be smashed to paste by your fists or bullets. Arachnotron: Ripping off one of their mech's legs and smashing it into their head, or tearing them out of it. Mancubus: Ripping open their guts and leaving them lying on their backside, groaning in pain as their entrails fall out until expiring a few seconds later. Pain Elemental: Ripping off one of their horns before throwing them onto their back and stabbing them in the eye multiple times with it as blood splatters all over you. Picking your enemies up and tearing them in two, ripping out organs, crushing skulls under boots, literally beating faces in with your fists. And even in a mod as gory as this, they still stand out for just how grotesque they are. One of the game's integral features is that when you kill an opponent with your fists, it triggers a Fatality. A side bit of Genius Bonus about that "sector clear" Former Human line: games based on Doom's engine divvies maps up into sectors and these are combined with REJECT tables to determine whether or not an enemy can see a player who's in other sectors of the map. Each growl you hear, you'll start looking up frequently. And that same mod allow imps to crawl on the ceiling to hunt you. Occasionally, when active but out of line of sight, they'll mutter "Sector clear." giving the impression that they're hunting you. Just as bad, imagine going through a place like the maze in "Nuclear Plant", E1 M2, and hear enemies say "I smell fear." or "I smell human." as you get near to them, then scream "FLESH!" or "Hell awaits you!" when you enter their line of sight. Now imagine hearing things like " You will not escape!" just when you quit the game from main menu. One of the Brutal Doom Mutator side-mods changes the zombified soldiers' grunts and snarls with voice samples, often saying things to antagonise the player. The scream Doomguy lets out if he dies from standing in a hazardous substance is very disturbing to say the least.